coz lam

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since Apr 23, 2015
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Recent posts by coz lam

I am with a nonprofit organization in East Tx.  We have several acres of land we are in the process of developing
for Permaculture use to improve sustainable living skills for young people in transition.  It seems you may be a good match for us.
Email me at: if this sounds interesting to you.
7 years ago
Hi, I am very happy to see you on this forum. I am hoping to engage in a project relevant to civic ecology. Question, how much experience or expertise would you suggest one has before embarking on such an effort...are the mechanics something that can be learned as one goes along?
9 years ago

Chris Brousseau wrote:My name is Chris. I’m 30 yrs old and I’m interested in finding somewhere to learn/practice permaculture with the possibility of being involved longer term. I’ve moved around a lot in my adult life living in Hawaii, Chicago, South

Korea and Australia. The biggest sacrifice to traveling how I have has been the no long-term home. I am

looking eventually to have a home base, somewhere that I can be involved in growing food, and helping

to be a productive member of a community possibly. I have some savings that I'd be able to contribute if the right situation arose, and I'd be interested in purchasing a plot of land. I’m interested in somewhere with good a balance of work and enjoyment,

where I can be around like-minded individuals. I’m very easy going, and easy to get along with. I’m easy.

I’ve been traveling around the US since March in a camper van, and now I’m looking for somewhere

to park, learn by helping out, and see what’s available, and what would be a good fit. I’m interested in

permaculture and aquaponics, but I only have limited hands on experience. I’m an experiential learner,

so I’m always happy to do/learn new things. I don’t have any strict religious views, and I eat some meat.

I’m very open minded however and am interested in experimenting with different lifestyles. I have a

degree in finance and to fund my travels, I’ve been a special-ed and English teacher, and have worked

in insurance. I’m looking to go a different direction in my life and am looking to basically start over,

learning and living by doing things that actually matter to me, instead of being a hamster on a wheel

again. I'm in southern California at the moment, looking to stay in a tolerable climate for the winter unless accommodation would be provided. Please let me know if you know of a good fit. Thanks for reading.

Are you still looking for a permaculture community? We have a recently formed community in E. Texas that is looking for someone like you. Community building, service, learning and growing together is a big part of who we are and what we do. Projects include strawbale building, hugelmounds, food forest and more Email me if you would like to know more:
9 years ago