When I was a teenager, I spent three summers at a friends’ place. My friends’ mum said from the very beginning “Be careful in the stairs, many are stumbling there so always keep your focus on your steps.” Also, only grown-ups were allowed to fetch root vegetables and such from the root cellar outside, since “it had such a heavy energy”.
On the third summer that I was there, the family had bought a second-hand furniture set for the salon, the livingroom. It painted the furniture white outside on a beautiful summer day. Eventually my summer stay came to an end and I returned home. About a month later my mum received a phone call from her friend (my friends’ mum), asking if I had painted the undersides of the furniture black. Ofcourse I hadn’t! I had left them plain, wood coloured.
My friends’ mum continued her story, explaining that they had asked an exorcist to come and clear the energy of the house. The exorcist had told the inhabitants to get out of the house for the duration of the procedure, and they had stood waiting at the perimeter of their porperty. A lot of banging noises and commotion followed. Afterwards, the exorcist had told them that their house was built on an execution hill. Also, there had been a ghost of a little girl, who had fallen down the stairs and died, trying to trip people as they went up or down the stairs. And someone in the past had hung themselves in the rootcellar, hence the “heavy energy”. After the procedure they had found out that the surfaces under the furniture that I had painted, were black.
Even though the energies of the property were now lifted, I found the stories too creepy to stay another summer.
A lot of time passed. Later, I understood for myself that there are “only” ghosts who either are very attached to their homes or who have passed away so suddenly that they are in fact not even aware that they’re dead, and they’re then super annoyed when strangers come, uninvited, to their homes.
The latter was the case with the secondary home we acquired in France. We had guests and I was so excited about the new home and entertaining our guests that I didn’t really notice the small nudges in energy, until the little boy of our guests complained he couldn’t sleep “because there was someone there”. So I immediately took a look at the situation.
I found her standing in a corner, very pissed off about us being there. I explained to her that she was, in fact, deceased, and that we had bought her house ( and were the third owners after her passing ). She was surprised, but I could also read in her energy that it all made more sense to her now. I asked if she would like to move on, to “go to Heaven”. She liked the idea very much and so I helped her to ascend. The young son of our guests could sleep again and all was well. Or so I thought.
Some 36 hours later I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I looked outside through the window and had a jolt of a scare – under the light of the streetlamp I saw six ghosts (or souls) standing in front of our home, also wanting to be helped to ascend. I muttered to the Universe / Spirit / Heavens that ok, I’d do it this time, but that’s it, no more!
That was eleven years ago. I’ve moved to another French farm house and am in another period of my Life. I’ve been doing enough remote energy work not to scare easily anymore. In fact, even the “bad guys” are just doing their thing, trying to survive. I’m now confident in guarding personal space(s), cleaning up energies, healing and strengthening energies and commanding entities to leave…forever.