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Tereza Okava wrote:Nina!
I see you are in zone 8-- I am in 9, and I notice my sourdoughs vary a lot depending on the season/climate. Right now I am in summer (Brazil) and my sourdough lives in the refrigerator, if not I have to feed it 5 times a day (or more). I don't think 17°C is too low (and I use city water, which does not lack additives, unfortunately). I also find when it's hot I need to make my sourdough MUUUUUCH thicker than Sandor Katz suggests (mine is almost hard to mix with a spoon), otherwise it rots immediately. In cooler weather, I can have a more runny sourdough (that lives on the counter).
Are you starting with white flour, or using some additive like raisins or fruit? Some people add a bit of rye to start, or use the soaking water from raisins (the one batch of sourdough I did with that was the best I've ever had).
I think the key is really just to keep trying. Mix up your starter, leave it til it bubbles, feed again, and that's really it.
* Follow your curiosity , Do what you Love *
my site and blog, about nature connection, spiritual mentoring & energy healing: Simperi
my Etsy shop, with unique antique and vintage finds: TreasureChestTales
Timothy Norton wrote:I had my first try at starting a sourdough and utilized the information from the How to create a Sourdough starter thread.
* Follow your curiosity , Do what you Love *
my site and blog, about nature connection, spiritual mentoring & energy healing: Simperi
my Etsy shop, with unique antique and vintage finds: TreasureChestTales
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