Joe McCrohon

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since Apr 26, 2015
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Recent posts by Joe McCrohon

Hi all
I'm investigating growing Chlorella Vulgaris to eat in an earthship. The water would come from a rainwater harvesting system. The tank containing chlorella would be next to an aquaponics system containing fish and salad crops. What I want to know is that given that the water will be close to a neutral PH what measures do I need to put in place to avoid contamination by other unwanted organisms, such as harmful cyanobacteria or salmonella and how much do I need to sterlise the rainwater harvesting system? Also do I need to avoid cross contamination between the aquaponics and the chlorella. Also  are there any methods that make it easy to tell if contamination has happened?
7 years ago
Hi folks, the community garden I'm working on gets very wet in winter but also rather dry in summer, I was therefore thinking that a grass that likes wet conditions could be grown in winter and then used as a mulch in summer when things are drier but which grass should I use? for reference I live in the south of England. Also it would help if it was reasonably fast growing.
9 years ago
I have a flower growing on my allotment and I wondered what it is? The flower is the one with the circular heads
9 years ago