Steven Jones

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since May 09, 2015
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I am in the town of Toney. I am fighting a blight right now in my elevated beds. it's spreading to other parts of my yard as well. Organic fungicides are not working to contain it or reduce it, thankfully we have had little rainfall. Short of dumping diesel fuel onto the ground...... I will have to end my garden after this year, sowing lots of lime, and spraying neem and sesame oil onto the ground. But I am going to prepare for other areas in the yard for elevated beds by adding biomass atop the ground. I have left a climbing rose, which has maintained a good resilience to the blight, it comes back every year. I watch it as an indicator.... Iam open to suggestions if you happen to know of any. I work overnight at the embassy hotel downtown Huntsville. I sleep during the day but I can meet up with folks during the early morning to assist, assess, consult,or network with people after 6 AM. You may message me here, alternatively you may send email to
9 years ago
I am in the area of Huntsville. I'd like to network with more folks in this area. Contact me at
9 years ago