I have been considering this topic seriously for about 5 months. As I started all my long term preparations for relocating to the Lab I have took a serious look at food storage. I too have wanted to get away from plastic containers, close-able bags and plastic cling wrap, mostly from a sustainability viewpoint. I have been conducting a few experiments with my deep freeze to make sure my idea will pan out. I have found in most situations canning jars are the way to go, my grandmother has been doing it longer that I have been alive. However long term in the freezer the lids become problematic. But I believe I have found a solution. I read this article on how to create waxed cotton sheets, the predecessor of wax paper. They work great in the freezer! So far I have several jars of chicken broth, with waxed fabric on top, tied with hemp twine, that have been in the freezer for months. Every month I remove one jar, let it thaw and cook with it. Here I am at month 4, no funny taste, no frost build up, and I am pleased with the outcome. Granted my full experiment will last a year (I froze 12 jars) but so far it looks promising. I have included the link below that lead me to my original trial concept.
I hope this helps!