Maria Louwé

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since Jun 01, 2015
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Aruba (the desert island country in the tropics)
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Recent posts by Maria Louwé

Thank you for that tip, I have not seen one, but will intensify my search for them!
8 years ago
I have a question. I live on the very dry small Island of Aruba, and I have seen (poisonous) mushrooms here once, after prolonged rains, about 18 years ago. Since then nothing. Water is expensive here. Is there still a possibility for homegrown mushrooms without making a big 'reversed' greenhouse (do not know how else to call it, but something to keep things cool and dark, wich is hefty in price to make and maintain).
8 years ago

Anne Wilson wrote: "we all know how terrible it is" err, I am not a "we" I'm afraid, this is the first I have heard of it!), )

same here, a little info, I just got 2 kittens that are not allowed to go out because of a skinproblem.... Woodpellets are not really available here at the workshops....
9 years ago