Harry Soloman

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since Jun 06, 2015
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45 Year old former pot farmer, widower that embraces natural farming, ethical and moral living while walking the path of life.
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Recent posts by Harry Soloman

I like all the above recommendations, but I would also add biochar to the mix along with all the organic material you can get.
2 weeks ago
Check out geme composters.  Yes, it is a bit different than what we typically consider and the cost is stupid, but this gets rid of most things in a day.  It's scary fast.  I mix in with worm food for my worms and my worm bin is on steroids.  A little goes a long way.  I also use it to make a leaf mold tea when I don't have leaf mold and works similarly and has done wonders.  Especially in compacted soil areas, but I also add a few other things for that, too.

For me, this is as if bokashi became bokashi 2.0

This is the site:
2 months ago
It's a resort in an old town built to build the dam. It's for sale and potentially of interest to people here. Due to its location and buildings, I thought I would post here, but I apologize if I'm wrong.


3 months ago
You have a fabulous garden and I am glad you are out there.  I hope you find your puzzle piece and that you find your goals in life satisfied!
3 years ago
For a compilation of way to much information on biochar check out  http://culturalhealingandlife.com.www413.your-server.de/index.php?/forums/topic/50-biochar/

It does have a section in it about use and charging.  I like to think of it as shelters for bio life and drainage.  I like it to help maintain.
3 years ago
Yes just putting eggshells in the garden is not a quick return.  So try this.  It is a practice in Natural Farming!


Stacie Kim wrote:

echo minarosa wrote:I hadn't thought about dissolving in vinegar. Thanks!

Here is the video that inspired me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU5TXvjsTv8

I don't necessarily agree with the video's assertion that a calcium deficiency is always the cause of blossom end rot. I've heard from several master gardeners that it's often caused by a plant's inability to uptake the calcium that is already present in the soil. Take that for what you will, I just thought it was worth mentioning.

Yes, the reason for a deficiency is not always due to a lack of the mineral.  If only it was so simple.  Calcium issues are typically indoor problems or in plant beds that would naturally reduce the amount of available calcium over time.  Often seen where people put in bag soils and those soils become depleted of calcium over time without amendments/inputs.

Have a great day, hope that helps at all or just preaching to the choir for the most part!
3 years ago