Antony Felton

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since Jul 03, 2015
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Recent posts by Antony Felton

Thankyou for your input i will read and think over what you surgest and get back to you on your ideas.
8 years ago
here is a view inside the oven/firebox and ash pit doors
8 years ago
Sorry forgot to mention yes the chimney is directly above the firebox.
8 years ago
Oh, as for using the oven as was I don't mind whatever outcome or idea suits the situation.
Thanks again to all.
Respect Antony
8 years ago
Hi and thank you so much for your interest, sorry for the confusion. The fire box is the same as the oven door only its in front. This oven was started by making a fire in the front and then pushing the embers into the bell to smolder and burn a bit pizza ovenish. The front of the oven the exposed brick side has two doors the top door is the fire box/ bread oven entrance, the lower door is the ash pit and air vent. the grate is inside the firebox allowing the ash to drop and air to feed the fire. The drawing is a little confusing as the kitchen side of the oven is in front of the sitting room dome side, the photograph just shows you into the bell dome behind the firebox. I hope that helps. Oh and the size of the doors are fire box oven entrance 40x25cm the air vent ash door is 20 13cm
I hope this helps.
Thanks again Antony
8 years ago
I was trying to work out how to improve the running of this old beast, i used half a cord of wood last year just trying to warm it up. Does anyone have any ideas as its quite a feature in the room and it would be great if i could heat my house with it.
the dimensions a 170 tall and 150 wide at the base here is a sketch of the inside and some photos any response or ideas would be wonderful.
8 years ago
Thank you again for this assistance. To get things clear i live in an old east German circus wagon, that i have rebuilt myself, it is insulated with 60mm hemp throughout, a double skin of pine 40mm out side and 20mm skin of pine inside. The floor is 80mm of borox coated paper fluff with 30mm floorboards, the wagon is rated for 16tons and for the past four years the space has been comfortable helding up to the common -10 C. winter months here. I have been using an old Wamsler cooking range a bit like an AGA or Rayburn (no back boiler). The fact is that i wish to improve on the high emissions and fuel consumption. Having built many rocket stoves for outside kitchens i thought i would try out a rocket style design self build, good for confidence and to live by example. Well yes i do have a stove builder friend where i can get Ca-Si in most sizes. I have the current stove concept placed on a slab of Ca-Si. As for the max. foot print it could go as far as 70x150x120(W,L,H). the height of the wagon is 180 slanting up to 220, thus the riser center point would be roughly 2meters. The stove would run along the side of the wagon currently protected with glasswool in. and farmercell board to use the existing flue system, 120mm. would be nice but not necessary.
I hope that puts you in the picture. best wishes Antz
9 years ago
Hi and thank you for your interest, I will, as you suggest, channel the gasses only once. As for the bell i am restricted to a 60cm footprint, I have only 25m sq. to heat.
The 2.5 cm gap was referring to the space between the heat riser when insulated (if needed?) and the bell walls, not as you thought the "top gap". Your thought on this are most appreciated.
Kind regards Antz
9 years ago
In the photo i hope you can see the idea is to force the hot gasses down and around the base of the heat riser, the idea is to incorporate two blocks so the gasses will be forced down, then up then down again, thus warming the exterior wall of bricks before exiting in to the manifold. The heat riser will be insulated to the base leaving about an 1" gap for the gasses to move through the channel, does anyone have any thoughts if this would work. Respect Antz
9 years ago
Once again on the path to perfection. Well the white plate under my stove is something called CaSL short for Calcium Silicate
I hope that helps. America does not seem to use it( according to wikiped), but my Ground oven builder friend here in Germany seems to like the stuff
As for the lifting of the CaSl plate i may use strips of fermacell (another german product) The metal bars may act as condensation magnet and create cold bridges within the wagon ( better known as Bauwagen) no direct English translation.
Here is the latest plan idea, please feel free to comment.
I feel a little stupid building this thing during a heat wave 38C today.
Toodle pip Antz
9 years ago