Cleo Dee

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since Jul 17, 2015
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Similkameen Valley, BC zone 5b
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Mike Jay wrote:My hunch is that they could see it when there was dew or rain drops on it.

You are probably right. I live in a super dry area. 65% of our perception is snow..
8 years ago
Amaranths would grow beautifully in your climate, the chickens love the seeds. Sunflowers are another favorite.
If you have a chicken run I'd suggest growing a fruiting vine over top. Shade plus food!
I sprout lots of grains for my chickens, wheat and rye are their favourite. I've also used a seed mix called "forage mix" that I grew in succession for constant food supply.
Do you have a compost bin?
9 years ago
I thought I would mention Something a bit simpler. Heavy duty fishing line. The clear stuff. I live in an area that has a huge (huge)mule deer problem. They not only will eat everything in sight but they will attack and maime you, your dog or your kids. I couldn't afford ten foot fences.

I found this blog:

Basically you hang fishing line at varying heights, according to your deer size. When the deer bump it, they spook. Because they can't see it, they won't jump it. Needs regular maintenance. However it has kept the monster mules out of my Saskatoon berry orchard.
9 years ago
My sister works a lot with ECO learning hive out Victoria. I found this on their website

Almost forgot to add A lake restoration project biased in Kelowna
9 years ago
Good video about using coffee grounds
9 years ago