Genesis Christie

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since Aug 08, 2015
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Love it! Why wait to print it? Why not sell it as an ebook? Or can I buy a downloadable version? I live out of the country and it's not easy to get books delivered here.
4 years ago
Re Heavy Metals:: Info from Dept Agriculture
¨Bindweed is a good fodder plant. Cattle, sheep and goats eat it; however, the alkaloid
pseudotropine in field bindweed was reported to cause equine intestinal fibrosis. In India, the
root is used as a purgative. It has been used to stop bleeding, as a laxative, a gynecological aid,
to stimulate bile flow, and as a medicine for spider bites. The Okanagan-Colville people of
British Columbia and Washington fashioned the twining stems into rope. In one study, shoots of
field bindweed accumulated more than 3,800 mg chromium, 1,500 mg cadmium, and 560 mg of
copper per kilogram of dry tissue and may be a suitable plant for phytoremediation of soils
contaminated with heavy metals."
9 years ago