cam pettigrew

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since Aug 20, 2015
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Recent posts by cam pettigrew

Hi Roy,
I'm located in Southern Ontario south of London. I agree I need to find a pond specialist as I'm still unsure of whats happening. Several things are for sure. The springs are no longer running. They seemed to slow the past few years and now are non existent. Maybe blocked from sentiment ? Secondly, a test hole in a newly developed wet spot in the pasture 100 ft from the pond definitely has blue dye ? And pond reeds are forming in that vicinity. The only reasonable explanation may be the springs rerouted around the pond and resulted in the wet area. The reason for the pond dye must be from a leak or seepage into the spring? I don't know, need professional help. One other explanation for the dry springs may be the adjacent farm tiled their field ? Hope thats not the case.
9 years ago
Thanks Michael,
Now that I have had a backhoe in and dug several holes, I've noticed several things. One area has what looks to be pond dye water. Secondly the area surrounding that area appears to have reeds starting to grow. When I follow the reed growth,it looks like possibly the springs may have become silted and redirected the flow around the ponds circumference ? Is this a possibility ?
9 years ago
Hi, first time poster. Seems like a site with a lot of great people helping each other. Pretty cool. Hope someone can give me some insight on a problem with my pond.
I'll start with we dug a 50 x 150 pond 7 years ago. Clay base, average depth 8 ' with up to 20 at one end. We decided to dig due to the specific area always being wet, cattails etc. The springs all flowed from the south side of the pond, not sure of the original flow rate but steady and slow. Over the last six months our pond has dropped at least 8 feet with no end in sight ? Originally I thought a undiscovered tile was the culprit but now upon digging believe that not to be the case. I'm now starting to believe the pond may not be leaking but the springs have stopped flowing. The continuos water decline a result of wind / sun. My question is this a common problem ? The springs have seemed to be getting weaker the last few years and now basically grown over etc. Can they be re dug ? excavated ? Anyone have any solutions as to what may be happening ? A neighbouring farm had tiled a few years back, could this also be the culprit ? I'm located in Ontario. The spring and summer have been if anything wetter than most and our winter had huge precipitation and cold.
Appreciate any help,
9 years ago