Pearl Sutton

steward & bricolagier
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since Oct 02, 2015
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Chronic reader, creative dreamer, a LOT of hand skills to make things real, intense health issues that limit my activity, but not my creativity or dreams. Moved to southern Missouri with enough tools and junk to build a life that might work well with my health. One of god’s gigglers, I punctuate with smiley faces and exclamation points when I type, and smile and laugh a lot in real life. (Often at things no one else understands.) And I both curtsy at people (even when wearing grubby work clothes) and purr when hugged, both online and in real life. “Normal” is not a word that has ever been used for me.
Been organic gardening all my life, and bought 4 acres that I have designed from the ground up. Making it happen is being the most fun I have ever had in my life, the best 3D jigsaw puzzle ever! Reading Mollison’s Designer’s Manual was like coming home, ah, THERE I am! A reality where I can use all of my multifaceted talents and skills!
Dumpster diver, recycler, second hand store shopper, I tell people I am attracted to rust and lace. I have violated every warranty I have ever met, I’m a tool using animal, and I use my tools to modify everything in my world. And it only gets weirder...
Bricolage: something constructed or created from a diverse range of available things. Adding ier to a french word means one who does that activity. I am a bricolagier, the things I do are all made of a wide range of things that I have acquired from diverse places.
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Recent posts by Pearl Sutton

I think I'd go for 3D items, give them a form like a vase to cover....
I'm trying to think of any plant with purple roots, I'm like that. Some sweet potatoes maybe, I know I've seen purple roots before, might have been on chemically damaged plants though. hmm...
2 days ago
Definition of Dad Jokes: Humor you have never out groan

4 days ago

Elanor Gardner wrote:
You just have to buy one that will work with these 5G towers.

Actually, that's not required. 5G is another layer on top of the 4g. If you can't pick it up, you just run on 4g absolutely fine. I am running non 5G and my phone works well, even where 5 is available. 4 is a bit slower than 5, but if you feel the need for scalding fast technology, you probably aren't pricing flip phones

I'm not on a flip phone, but I AM on the oldest smart phone I can run on the Verizon network They HATED hooking that up, tried hard to talk me into newer tech, nope. I only went up to that one because they depreciated 3G in this area and my old one only did 3. Interestingly, my 4G phone is slower than my 3G phone was.

I have zero interest in having 5G.
1 week ago
Possibility of northern lights in the northern areas Friday night/Saturday morning. 2 coronal mass ejections coming, how close the impacts are will decide how bright the lights are and their reach. Neither one is bad, but if they impact close together they may be bright.
2 weeks ago
We lived in New Mexico, went east to see family. I asked my dad "who irrigates all these trees?!"
2 weeks ago
Trivia I learned about cold today: thermos type water jugs can not only freeze solid, but freeze the lid on too. Check your jugs if it’s going to matter.
2 weeks ago
I usually have a pile of dietary restrictions, that change fairly rapidly. The odds they will actually bring a snack I can eat are VERY low.  So no, don't bring me a snack. I'd like one, but odds are high it won't be what I can eat that day.
2 weeks ago
Day dreaming more on my lunch break. Prowling the net!! Not getting my lunch eaten quickly.  :D

Found a good picture to illustrate  what I said about any type can be decorated to look like something neat. In the post above I put a parafoil. Nice industrial looking thing, flies well, lifts really really well, but can be made neat looking too, besides just making sections different colors (pretty common) any kite can be made neat. This is for sale commercially.

If you look, it's sections of the parafoil lift cells, then made to look like a dolphin.

This fascinates me.

I'm still thinking of rigid members in a parafoil, so it's more stable. Some of the stunt kites have cords coming off each corner section separately, ending up an a bar, so in each hand you have a bar that tilting it one way makes it lift, the other makes it stall. I might be just day dreaming, but a more rigid parafoil, in constant wind, with controllers like that might easily do things like bring that basket of produce up from the lower slope. (It's not a steep slope, slow, but constant.)

4 weeks ago
I got a book on kites! There are lots of books about them out there...

Flipped through it while stretching today, and now my head is all full of neat ideas!
This one covers kites by concept, rather than detail, and that works best for my brain. Covers the different types of structures, and explains that the details (like making it a peacock or dragon) can be done to any structural type. Doesn't give patterns, gives concepts.

And ooooooh what concepts!
I'm back to my ideas about using kites to do work. My property has a slope, and on the other side is kind of on a ridge, and it ALWAYS has at LEAST low wind. I have felt it totally still only once or twice. The idea of using kites to lift and move things, to take things up or down the slope, to do things, just fascinates me. Sewing is easy for me, this is basically quilting things that fly!

My head explodes.

A random explosion: cellular kites, made of cells that catch the air, of which box kites are the most basic, have been used as lifting kites for centuries. They have a rigid structure, and don't collapse on landing. Parafoil kites can lift even more, and can be made as a cellular type, possibly with a more rigid structure, and can lift quite a lot.
A parafoil kite with cells

I could put those to work!

The book talks of different types of rigid members: carbon fiber, fiberglass, rattan, bamboo... I'm thinking sunroot stalks.

Also talked of using them to make harp or drum sounds, and I know flutes work too, what about flying scarecrows? Kites would make chickens paranoid though....

I'm daydreaming while I'm supposed to be working, but ooooh, what dreams.

4 weeks ago
And an equally permie temporary solution: I dropped them into my big pressure canner, and covered them for shade with a chunk of cheesecloth I cooked a plum pudding in :D
They need to hold their little oniony horses till spring.
4 weeks ago