Ken W Wilson

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since Nov 01, 2015
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Nevada, Mo 64772
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Recent posts by Ken W Wilson

Has anyone successfully grafted any prunus onto Prunus serotina? I have one that came up in my yard. I can’t find any results posted even a year after grafting.
6 months ago
Last year my  Sunset Runner beans barely survived the summer, then they grew very well and produced a few beans before frost.  I want to plant them as early as possible this year.  I can’t find any information on soil temperature needed for germination.  Can they survive any frost?  Are they hard to transplant?

I liked the flavor and texture of these beans much better than the usual bush beans.
11 months ago
I am doing Krtaky hydroponics in half gallon fruit jars. Microdwarf tomatoes, green onions, basil so far. I use artificial light but a sunny window would work.
1 year ago
Does anyone have any updates?

My seedless che from Edible Landscaping has been setting fruit for a few years.  I think they are getting about full sized and very light pink, then falling off while still rock hard.  Just dropped most of the fruit in the last week here in Missouri. It is very dry this year, but they drop every year.  Guess I will try watering next year, but I don’t normally water trees that are 15’ tall.

I don’t think a pollinator would help when they are getting so close to ripe?
2 years ago
I have one that is around 4 years old now. It has shade all afternoon. I cut the seed heads off as soon as I notice them. It hasn’t been very productive yet, but I think it is starting to adapt. It barely survived the first two summers.

I am in midwestern Missouri.
2 years ago
Do they have good drainage?  Too much moisture causes root diseases.  Some varieties are disease resistant.

Do they get too thick? Sometimes they need to be thinned out, removing older plants.

I usually move some young plants to a new location after 2-3 years.  I like to plant in early fall, so I don’t have to weed all summer.  I have gone about 8 years without buying plants.

I only plant day neutrals.  June bearers can take 9 months to a year to produce. If you have a late frost, you could have to wait 2 years for fruit.  
2 years ago
I made my first attempt at water bath canning pickled asparagus last night. All six jars sealed, but I lost some liquid. Parts of some asparagus are above the fluid level. Is this unsafe since they aren’t covered in brine? I used 50/50 vinegar with just a little salt and sugar.
2 years ago
How is your Korean Cherry doing? I have a recent post about mine.

They do grow slowly.
2 years ago
I will have to dig around for the tags, but the plant descriptions said the Korean cherry was the sweet one. I have one other. It is a bigger cherry but tart. It wasn’t one of the sweet Romance Series cherries.

I planted a very small Korean cherry plant and grows slowly. It’s about three feet tall and about three years old.  It blooms a little early for this part of Missouri. I covered it a few times this year and last. It has been very healthy with no care.

Not sure if this is where is bought them, but this is a good company.

2 years ago
Hopefully, this is a better picture.
2 years ago