Sarah Theo

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since Nov 05, 2015
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Recent posts by Sarah Theo

I would love to put one in my home, and as I live in the UK I think we can only get certain wood stoves signed off - a certified installer would need to put it in. I could go the route of not having it safety checked but that may mean I couldn't have lodgers or rent it out, if I want to.

If anyone knows how it's possible to get one put in & signed off in UK, without any fight or too much hassle (I don't have the energy for any hassle), I'd love to hear! Thanks 🙏
2 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

On the lab, each person starts with a raw acre.  

Maybe something like a $5000 bonus for hitting a million calorie minimum (and some other minimums).   And a $20,000 bonus for the gardener that grew the most calories (above the other minimums).  


I'm wondering why you want to measure calories, when there are other values that permaculture excells at? Is it because of the costs named in one of the responses, to test nurtient or protein content?
3 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:


Great your doing so well guys!

If I choose the $100 and Virgin Islands because I don't require any physical books,  does that work for you, even though I'm in the UK?

Or do I choose $100, pay $175, select UK and tell you after that I don't want any physical books and get the shipping money back?

The second scenario seems more hassle for you but as I don't know how it works, maybe the first will cause more hassle?

Thanks, Sarah
5 years ago
This is great Paul

Is there an option to pledge/pay $100 with 0 shipping for 0 physical
books? and then I can pledge $15 ($40 with shipping) for one physical book.

If yes, how do I do that?

I want to use the "creative name" option under $100

5 years ago