R. Mason

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since Nov 15, 2015
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Sorry - been meaning to read the Bullseye document and then compose an informed reply to you hopefully commenting on how useful it is. But so far I've just got as far as printing it out and thinking "this looks helpful"

It's a shame your goat system didn't work out (they're great animals, as I'm sure you know), but clearly you're wise to phase out the system if it wasn't right for the property. All the best!

Hi Scott,

How is your goat system getting along? I ask because we have about 25 goats here in Hawai'i and we're thinking about new ways of managing them. Right now half of the herd is out browsing on old sugar cane land that is now covered with ferns, shrubs, and "trash trees". They used to be mostly on pasture but using this marginal land seems like a good way of taking the pressure off the pastures and also maybe reducing the goats' parasite load (because they're mostly eating quite far from the ground. What's your experience been like?
