Thanks for your reply Fred!
I would love to get more information on what you all are doing.
A bit of history: we are located in the wet tropical forest, at about 300m. We get between 4000-6000mm of rain/year. The topography is very steep and rugged; it is fairly quintessential tropical mountain terrain. We have had goats for about 5 years, primarily managing them through a cut and carry
fodder system. This system is OK, and improving, especially as we find new sources of fodder and increase our stock of plants. Originally we hoped to incorporate the goats into a grazing system around orchards of Jack fruit, Nispero, Biriba, etc. In hindsight, our planning and timing of tree plantings was not well done, and looking ahead it is hard for us to envision a system of grazing goats where they do not destroy any
perennial plantings. Our
land does not have traditional pasture, it wants to be forest if you will.
I could list off a dozen plus questions for you, management practices, primary feed, biggest challenges, etc. Perhaps you could describe how you have incorporated the goats into your site?
Thanks in advance,