Rancho Mastatal have put together a document that outlines how their composting toilets are designed and made. They say:
"We have spent years fine tuning our design and details based on what is easiest and what works. This is the culmination of building 11 different composting toilets and each time improving the design."
This design is only for the composting toilet element, it does not include any of the timber frame or bamboo framing that form the structure for the roof that covers these all over the ranch.
This PDF includes:
dimensions for different size chambers based on number of people using it
door design
chamber design
Format: PDF
No of pages: 11
About Rancho Masatal
Rancho Mastatal is an education center, working permaculture farm, ecolodge and community rooted in environmental sustainability, meaningful, place-based livelihoods, and caring relationships.
We offer profound, innovative and authentic apprenticeships, residential workshops and guest experiences. We practice, promote and teach about natural building, fermentation, permaculture design, renewable energy, agroforestry, wilderness medicine, homesteading in the tropics and more.
These plans recommend pouring a concrete slab for the base. In the Presentation: Water Biofilters and Composting Toilet Systems with Tim Barker they talk about ground contact being the way to do this. Trying to wrap my head around all of this and reading Jenkin's Humanure Handbook as well. Does anyone have any personal experiences to share? I'd like to start out with a compost pile that we bring buckets to and then evolve to an outhouse that receives deposits directly as well as buckets that come from indoors.
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