Kevin Millar

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since Nov 27, 2015
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I'm looking for suggestions for a non-toxic material that I can put under deep raised vegetable garden beds that an invasive tree won't be able to come up through.  For years my yard been getting taken over by the tree of heaven.  It's invaded the area where some of my raised beds are.  I'm look for something I can put on the ground, and then build deep raised beds, 18 - 24" deep, on top of.  

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  

Info on the tree from hell if you're not familiar with it:

6 years ago
Hi All,

I am closing on a new property Monday & am interested building a RMH. The living space is currently heated only by electric baseboard heaters (ouch!). The owners had a small wood burning stove which they took out because they got tired of feeding it. It is still there in the garage, and the stovepipe chimney is also still in place. I intend to hook it back up for the short term, but would really love to replace it with a RMH. The only concern I have is that I won't have a lot of space to construct one. So... the question is what would be the minimum effective footprint needed for a RMH. The living space is approximately 1280 sqft, two story, 640 downstairs, 640 up.

I'll have tons of bio mass to burn. The property is 8.4 acres, and there are very large piles of downed tree limbs all over. The thought of being able to heat the place on all this wood that needs to be removed anyway because it is a fire hazard is very appealing.

9 years ago