Hi Katy,
Yeah that is an idea...Although so far on my allotment site (twined with the Gaza Strip) I'm considered a bit of a nut. It seems that everyone else uses 'Round Up' and 'Kurtail' weed killers like cheap aftershave and they rotovate the hell out of the soil. I have bark chipped over a couple of layers of cardboard and weed suppressant membrane on the two plots I have, I also use builders dumpy bags as raised beds. This gets the other allotmenteers into a fine frenzy, although by gardening in this way, I'm keeping the rampant Marestail at bay.
I would love to set up a Transition style group where I live, but experience has shown me that my neighbours just don't want to know, they want to live plastic lives and eat plastic food whilst watching brain dead TV.
Where I want to live and where I spend every spare moment (a little village on Dartmoor) the people love the idea of food forests and self sufficiency. Some folks have even asked me to give talks in the village hall on Permaculture. I have travelled a lot over the years and small communities in the middle of no where, I feel are a great deal more responsive to natural systems. Many of the people I meet moved away from the cities so that they could live simpler lives. I'm planning to do the same, but until that happens I will try to make some city converts.