Mary Spence

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since Sep 25, 2019
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Recent posts by Mary Spence

You should look in the My Stuff at the bottom of the page (at least on my phone) then click DM threads- I own.
Should be there already.
3 years ago
I am building raised beds for my garden, I would love to put squash in there too. Or growing season outside still hasn't started but soon.... Then I'll plan to put a hoop house over it to extend the season.
It's so exciting to be part of something this BIG, WONDERFUL and AMAZING!!!
3 years ago
I just recently ran across the concept of a food forest while watching gardening videos on you tube. I ordered the food forest game and have checked out some books at the library. I have put an offer on some land and hope to be able to initiate a food forest in my own land this summer in eastern washington. I'm looking forward to learning much from this thread.
4 years ago