Zachary Fellows

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since Feb 28, 2016
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Greenfield, United States
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Recent posts by Zachary Fellows

This may or may not be helpful.  I have 8 coffee plants and live in zone 5 in Massachusetts.  I've had them for about 3 years and of course I have to bring them indoors for the winter.  They haven't produced any beans or flowers yet but they are only about 3 feet tall now.  Anyway they are attractive plants/shrubs.
8 years ago
    Just a guess but they look like mung beans.
8 years ago
That's part of the reason I have a no mow policy for my yard. Instead of cultivating a resource needy monoculture of grass I cultivate a variety of plants. This helps provide food and habitat for many beneficial birds, insects, and other creatures. Some of the plants I also eat like violets, dandelions, chicory, nettles, and garlic mustard. By not mowing you also save water since you may not have to water the plants.
8 years ago
I don't really have a homestead. I do have about a 1/4 acre in an urban area which I'd rather not have people wandering on my property. So I like living fences. The kind of fences that preferably have more than one use. Around the perimeter of my property I plant things that people might not like walking through and provide food. Stinging nettles are great. Other ones would be plants with thorns like roses, raspberries, and blackberries. I haven't made any effort to cultivate poison ivy but that might be a deterrent.
8 years ago