Fred Daran

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since May 18, 2019
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Mike Lang wrote:What I want to know is: how much energy the flywheel can store (in Joules or Watt Hours); how physically large the flywheel is; what the cost per kiloWatt hour to the end consumer will be.

Hi Mike,

The speaker mentions a cost of 0.02 €/kWh for his concrete flywheels at 6:15.

This info can also be found in the slides:
0:35  Solar energy production : 0.02€/kWh
2:36  Solar + chemical batteries : 0.12€/kWh
           (so chemical batteries cost 0.10€/kWh)
6:16  Solar + concrete flywheel : 0.04€/kWh
         (so concrete flywheels cost 0.02€/kWh)

As for flywheel capacity, check out the company website:

10 kWh1,01,53,010
20 kWh1,31,96,020
50 kWh1,72,61550
100 kWh2,23,23020
1 MWh4,67,0300200

5 years ago
Concrete flywheels are coming, and they are due to outcompete chemical batteries for stationary applications:

(English subtitles available)
5 years ago