Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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E Senedak

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since Jun 02, 2017
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My SPAM gets dumped regularly.
There's nothing in there prior to May 25th, and right now there's nothing from permies or kikstarter.
Yes, I have received Kikstarter emails from you including #7,#10, #11,
but no emails with a link to the CANDY.
Is it possible that you haven't sent it yet?
I'm backer number 885.
I have no idea why my profile is saying 'Live Fit" my profile here is PermaMamma... and I have plenty of confirmation from Kikstarter that I DID support
I'm getting all kinds of update emails from them. I'm backer number 885, so maybe it just hasn't been sent to me yet. Patience is a virtue
I'm totally lost. I'm a Kikstarter supporter but I haven't received any of the links to get my Candy.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and I design website so this should be easy for me