Karen Douglass

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since Jan 31, 2016
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Twin Cities, MN
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Recent posts by Karen Douglass

I dehydrated sourdough bread cubes but cautionary tale - it still will mold after a while! At least mine did
2 years ago
I can so relate! Only started last February so am trying to figure out good recipes that succeed. If you are on Facebook, join Whole Grain Sourdough Baker; lots of great ideas. Still experimenting with different grains and recipes.
3 years ago
I have ground my own grains for 28 years. The selling points for me from the person who sold Kitchen Mill and Bosch mixers were you get the vitamins from the whole kernel and the grains aren't rancid. Made 6 loaves at a time for family of 6, with fresh milled flour, water, honey, olive oil, salt, and yeast. Delicious! Would cool and freeze asap. Then, DH found out he was allergic! Drats. Took a break. Oh, and Kitchen Mill had given up the ghost so switched to Whisper Mill. A *little* quieter than the other, but don't you believe it's a whisper!😆 Put aside bread making for many years. But like many good covid  hibernators (actually mine was temporary retirement), decided to develop my own sourdough starter. Supposedly those who can't tolerate whole wheat bread can do SD? So that is only fresh milled wheat, water, salt, and fed starter. Takes a whole lot longer, don't make so many at a time, hubby still "cheats" and pretends it's ok. Well that was a rabbit hole, wasn't it? All to say wheat berries last a long time, can fresh mill, doesn't lose its nutritional value.
3 years ago
We use an old fashioned stainless steel percolator. Still have to strain it afterwards. We make many days' worth and put in quart-sized canning jars for the week.
3 years ago
Where I live in MN, brisket from properly raised cows can still be spendy! I was surprised. We use tongue for corned beef (OK so that was off topic
3 years ago
Can put coffee in the strainer and use it like a teabag in the hot water, less mess yet.
4 years ago
Awesome, welcome, Owen! I'm trying to acheive that goal in my back yard (inner city). Chickens paved the way (a-hem, e.g. decimated lawn for me) to stsrt this adventure. How do I get rid of what is left of city lawn-grass? That is my new weed; grows taller than the flowers etc. My nemesis. Do you have a good way to get rid of that type? Live in MN, probably a bluegrass mix. Thank you.
4 years ago
Hello, I did this several years ago; my problem is the darned weed called grass didn't torally die off. Now I have a lot of perennials planted and am trying to get ground cover to take the place of the grass, so really can't start over with the first method, and if I double dig probably uproot things I'm meaning to grow, right? The whole area is surrounded by cement so I was a bit disappointed the grass roots stayed alive. Any solution you can think of? Or just continue to uproot what I can as often as I can?

Sally Munoz wrote:Strawberries?They spread like crazy here in zone 7. I didn't mean for them to be a living mulch but in that area of the garden, that's what they've become and they are doing a great job.  It's all an experiment over here!

I can relate to that, Sally! I am in zone 4 and they are taking over my little garden patch, beyond where I intended. However, never thought of the possibility of just letting them be and planting in between! Great idea! Thank you.
If it were just an area that could be mowed, oregano takes over as well; it has spilled into our grass and is overcoming it, a nice thick mowable ground cover. The only thing my DH has against it is it makes him hungry for pizza every time he mows there  
7 years ago