Brandy Nelson

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since Feb 06, 2018
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paul wheaton wrote:Somebody else just sent me a bunch of money via zelle yesterday.   Everything seemed fine and silky on my end.  

Hi, I just wanted to know how many Work trade offers are still available? Also, I know winter is still pretty fierce in Montana in April so, what type of living accommodations are provided?
6 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:
Work trade offer:  

3 openings for work trade

for just the Homesteader PDC, 7 weeks of trade, arrive may 5 or earlier

for just the ATC, 7 weeks of trade, arrive may 20 or earlier

for both the homesteader PDC and the ATC, 11 weeks of trade, arrive april 7 or earlier

Work traders would need to pay the gapper fee ($100 for the first person, $20 for each person after that - paypal to paul at unless they have already been here.  

More about the gapper fee:

Work traders would be part of the bootcamp program:

Dear Paul,

I am very interested in the Work trade offer for both the homesteader PDC and the ATC, 11 weeks of trade, arriving by april 7 or earlier. I am prepared to pay the $100.00 fee but I do not have PayPal. Would you consider using Zelle or any other way of accepting the $100.00? I look forward to hearing from you soon and hope you are having a great day.

Thank you and God bless,
Brandy M. Nelson

7 years ago