Jennifer Smith

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since Jul 14, 2009
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Zone 5                         South West Missouri
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Recent posts by Jennifer Smith

Cardinal flower looked good till I saw how toxic it is. I have barely on my list for everything the day the dozer leaves. I have a pound of native wildflower mix to add to the barley in some areas. I am searching the sites too. Such big plans lol
5 months ago
It pretty exciting and scary at the same time. I know so little and yet know the most of anyone on the project. Worse is someone with even less knowledge than I have tries to fight me over what to do, what he has always seen done. Not the dozer guy, just a guy. Dozer guy know his stuff but has only dug farm ponds nothing like natural swimming before.
I am building a dog training pond. The backside will be the dam and planted. This is one of the areas I need the most help. What plants are good choices??? I am thinking shallow rooted, matting or thick growing and has to hold everything in place over the winter rains. Waterlily and lotus for the inside and???, I have some cannas growing now I plan to add for color at the top pf the dam. Planning to plant underwater plantsalso, hornwort and???
I have Missouri native wildflower mix but he thinks it will die back and be open to erosionor the outside of the backside of the pond, pushing Bermuda grass. The front of the pond will have the cool diving dock, beach, and trees for shade.  I need planting suggestions for the back and all the advise I can get. We are digging now to find clay and I am seeing color (red). Oh so exciting!
5 months ago
I noticed that the stem of the fruit is how I tell ripe fruit. It "dies" thin and dark stem is yummy fruit.
4 years ago
Asparagus grows well from seed. My artichokes grow but find new and unusual ways to die every year. Rhubarb asl grows easily from seed.  Do walking onions count?
4 years ago
I am in zone 6 and of course asparagus thrives. Polk is seldom mentioned as it is a weed. My neighbors eat it like it is great, cooked with lambs quarter (wild spinich) and curly dock..  I am a big weed fan.
4 years ago
Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic, non-segmented roundworms that occur naturally in soil throughout the world. These microscopic predators locate flea and tick larvae in the soil and enter the prey infecting them with toxic bacteria killing them in 24 to 48 hours.
These have been a big help here.
7 years ago
So to those interested in the walking onions here is a small patch that has grown out of bounds. I just took photo today 5/7/16. I have plenty to plant and trade
8 years ago
Thank you. I will show to hubby. That last part is super important, don't look and fret over how much to go, look at how far we have come.
Good day
8 years ago
Wrong time of year but that video is gold. I have got to try to remember come May...we get an early start on bug season here.
9 years ago
Also some seeds will be in more than one place and that is good.
As for time start with catalog advise then jot down on folders which time/place did best with each kind of seed. I use sort of a shotgun effect. I throw a lot of seeds out and what grows well where.