I liked the youtube i saw of black fly larvae
that were eggs on rotting fruit who fell onto i don't remember what and after a couple days wriggled up a slight incline to the feeding
bucket. (And then tossed to the
I wanted a pond of bluegills with the black fly cage over it.
The slight incline would have a devider: one path leads to
water (fish dinner) and the other to dirt where the larvae get a chance to become flies and breed again.
I wanted bluegill because tilapia won't take the cold. I'm not on property full time so i have not stocked the pond yet.
I do have a goldfish pond with a solar light in a Styrofoam float. I don't know how much that light attracts bugs. Time will tell.
course that slight incline with two paths has to have writing on it: "the lady or the tiger".