kevin stewart

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since Dec 31, 2014
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any water i get is still water, not flowing. i use 500 gph 12 volt boat pumps to move water small distances.

anyone have experience with or heard of using an electric pump to push water into a ram pump to lift water up hill and long distance?

the pump is cheap and i use solar so the pump isn't an issue or the electricity.

4 years ago
i followed your advice and went cutting.

I'm using the bottom three quarter of gallon water bottles. yesterday i saw some new leaf growth and when i checked the clear container i saw roots galore.

even branches without any sign of leaves have healthy roots.

i cut the first batch as you said before leaf sprouts two months ago.
last month i cut more and had to trip most of the leaves off but they are rooting too.

thank you for the best advice.
4 years ago
May i ask what your nearest town is?  I'm. In apache county.
4 years ago
I'm the geo metro guy. Three cylendar suzuki engine.
City /hwy average 40 and empty car on the hwy 50.
On one 300 mile trip i took the rear plastic bumper cover off and got 58 mpg. Though so much depends on headwinds and such.

On these long trips i generally drive around 60 mph.
The speed you drive has a lot of influence on mpg.

I have several metros, a chevy metro (98) has more comfort but when i turned on the AC i lost 9 mpg.

I am also a junkyard dog and unfortunately I've never seen a metro with more than 230.000 miles.

I bought an old mercedes diesel (240 D) and thought I'd look at a partial vegetable oil conversion. Having the metro nixed that idea and anyway, that car is so beautiful i don't want to put a lot of dirt road miles on it.

Before i broke the timing belt i was very happy with a honda dx (1988). I don't know the engine but i was getting 40 mpg fwy.

5 years ago
Heck,  you're too far west.
Apache county is where it's happening.

At this time I'm not interested in building adobe.
My place will be where the back wall is in-ground and the front wall not.
I will stay under 200 square feet.

Please post your work, maybe tomorrow i will work with adobe.
5 years ago
Whoa, i always thought solar involved electricians.
With a large enough inverter this is something you can slowly build up.

When you are pricing this unit also put a price on satisfaction.

Any more information you can add, please add.
5 years ago
That looks like it.

Thank you.

I'll start growing them in the spring.

Seriously, i need a bigger greenhouse.
5 years ago
Saw this small tree/large shrub in kingman arizona yesterday.
I'm am always looking for plants that can hadle arizona.

There was a light freeze the night before. It looks healthy.

The seeds are red.

Any ideas?

5 years ago
I use three strands cause i can't afford more.
Cattle will stay out of three strand because they Are used to barbed wire.
I'm on a ten year plan, I'll get around to it.

This area is checkerboard. Square miles of private and blm land. A fair number of cattle come by, more in the past. The drought has been hard.

My main enemies are rabbits and kangaroo rats. Though i expect i will bring heads of cabbage on my next visit.what a softie.

Everything i grow is in the greenhouse, I've been fortunate to get my hands on bunches of cloth for free.

It's difficult when you don't live there.

5 years ago