Chris Herrnberger

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since May 11, 2016
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Just to close this thread bought plans from Matt for a super hot J Tube build using ceramic fibre board. Matt also has a cool video on a sauna build that I'm going to copy more or less. My concern was place the stove inside due to the space restrictions but by splitting the bell half inside and half outside with the outside section covered in a heat blank or Cobb the heat is all thrown into the sauna.  See Matt's video on the details. Plans are the best 20US you'll ever spend.

What is kinda surprising to me as this is a great list. Reviewing all the threads on sauna builds and non offering a suitable resolution I popped the question and zero responses. Was wondering why as there is so much generous talent on this list.

Anywho.....I think the solution is a good one and ideal for my small sauna. Can't waite to get her build. Matt's jtube is good design and he provides really good support.

Kind and best regards

6 years ago
From reading up over the weekend it looks as if the 4" batchbox design would be the best fit given the space restraints. I don't have room for a 45 gallon drum but have a suitable smaller 20 gallon or so. Further reading suggests the the 4" can be rather finiky to operate. Was wondering what the concenss is.

So basically two questions:

What is the smallest drum or container size that can be fitted to a 4" batch box?

What are the critical issues to watch out for when building a 4" system

Three a batch box system vs a j tube a suitable system for a small two person 5x6 sauna.

Many thanks for any advise.

Best regards

6 years ago

Turns out that my outhouse is no longer an outhouse as the ground water is far too high. So I have this wonder 5x6 structure compete that I would like to convert into. A sauna. I've been keeping up with all the trends in Rocket stoves including Peters work. The issue I'm facing is space constraints. With a 5x6 floor there is not enough room for a standard barrel build. The pocket rocket is small but not really ideal for a sauna. So, was wondering if there are any suggestions or recommendations for a suitable stove. The sanitary issue was solved when a friend gave me her older SunMar composting toilet...) Good to to speak. Thanks for any and all advice.
6 years ago
Some more data would be helpful.

Height and interior dimensions of the riser tube as well as the burn chamber. Also how you packaged the bricks in insulating mix would be interesting. By the looks of it the tabletop is a poured concrete slab with or without rebar?

Many thanks for any info you care to send.

8 years ago