Tyler Ludens wrote:People often discuss perennial food plants here on permies, but to be honest I've had a hard time introducing them into my family's diet. The only perennials we grow which we eat regularly are herbs and various onion relatives. But these can hardly be considered to make up much of our diet.
Can those of you who eat perennials regularly please sharewhat you eat, are they nutrition crops (vitamins and minerals, like salad) or staples (carbohydrates, calorie crops).
Thank you!
Please note I am talking about plants, not animals.
Tyler Ludens wrote:I don't really see earthquakes as a climate change scenario.
Tyler Ludens wrote:What plausible climate change catastrophe will leave food in supermarkets yet cause people to kill each other for it? Food is getting more expensive, and I expect it will just keep getting more and more expensive and scarce, causing more people to try to grow their own, as they did during the Depression and the world wars.
Peter Heffernan wrote:Beware!
Prickly Pear rendered 58 MILLION ACRES UTTERLY UNUSABLE in Australia in the early 19th century, because birds so quickly spread seads everywhere!
Be very careful not to make the solution into THE PROBLEM!