in a recent podcast Paul and the made a comment that thy thaught cement buildings wouldent last long and this confused me as here where i live in south africa i currently live in a brick cement house that is over 150 years old and is still in almost perfect condition after all that time the only isue being some of the wood roofing timbers that had been atacked by insects that we are busy replacing. when I was in England i also visited some places built in stone and cement that were over 1000yers old again with very little sign of wear is there something im missing maybe somthing spicific to the north american climate that would lead yall to belive cement buildings dont last from what i see your timber homes seem to need to be replaced or repaired much more frequently not to mention them just disapearing with floods or hurricanes where cement buildings stay put.
I under stand the argument against them in terms of energy ect to build but i dont understand the longgevity argument.