McMaster, Cambridge Wire Cloth, and Darby Wire Cloth are all fine screen sources if you want a 100-foot roll. We offer type 304, 12-mesh, plain-weave stainless screen in 2-by-2 foot squares from both our website ( , for the cheapest price) and from several E-Bay listings. I've been told that our price is about 1/3 of what could otherwise be found for small quantities. We sell the 2 foot square size to match the 4-foot by 100-foot rolls of screen we buy, and to match the 2-by-2 foot screens used in our radiant solar dryer design. Since 1982 we've been experimenting with various designs, screens, collectors, and mesh sizes to find what works the best in our humid, 45 degree latitude, half-time-cloudy location, but which can be modified to work for many different crops at higher/lower latitudes, altitudes, and temperature.