Ned Pepper

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since Feb 18, 2016
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Recent posts by Ned Pepper

Awesome! I'll keep an eye out for the thread. In which forum can i find it?
8 years ago
Yes i've mulched fairly heavy about four foot around each tree so grass shouldn't be a problem nearby. I just was wondering if planting close to the tree now since they are so young would harm their progress so i was thinking cucumbers, melons, peas etc would be beneficial in surrounding areas for now with providing shade out grass and leave behind organic material to compost in place.
8 years ago
Ok i had a fee thoughts and wanted to get some feedback. Since my trees are still young, not fruiting, and without a canopy, would planting guilds now still not hurt the tree as in everything competing for energy and nutrients? I was thinking of planting watermelons and cucumbers amongst my trees to help shade out grass and retain moitsture longer and sow peas etc in the fall until the trees are more established. My only thing is that i don't know if doing that would be good or bad either with regards to robbing nutrients and energy from the soil and taking away from the trees.
8 years ago
I have radish, onion seeds and several varieities of herb seeds. I'll have to sort through when i get home and see what all i really have. i believe i have some yarrow, fennel and dill.
8 years ago
Aha!! I thought i remembered reading once they could be used as a coffee substitute because of the caffeine content in the leaves!! This is a cool link about them.
8 years ago
Yes they sre everywhere around my woodline! I've used a tom for fencing and stakes and firewood/biochar. I bought some stuff last year that you brush on the area you cut off and it stops regrowth. These are in areas i don't frequent and in the future i plan to get goats in here so maybe they could keep them down. Are there any uses you know of for yaupon? Besides biochar lol.
8 years ago
I've got these by the hundreds and i don't know what it is but i'd too and like to know if i could use for something other than excercise lol!
8 years ago
That's fantastic! I wish you well on your testing and hope to make it to the meeting!
8 years ago
Awesome. Thanks!
8 years ago
Hey i'm in Mississippi but from Alabama. No one i know of in or around my hometown is growing pomegranate but i'm planning to try here at my home in the future. What's the name of your facebook page and where is the meeting in October? If it's within decent driving distance i'd like to be there.
8 years ago