Marie Ash

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since Mar 01, 2016
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Recent posts by Marie Ash

Thank you for the advice, Timothy.

I've kept up my search, and from what I have read, it seems that most people start ducks on a commercial chick starter and add brewer's yeast to make sure there is enough niacin. The ratio is about 3 pounds yeast to 25 pounds feed or 2-3 cups yeast per 10 pounds of feed. There are quite a few homemade chick starter recipes to be found, so, what I will most likely end up doing is going with one of those recipes or something similar, and adding the brewer's yeast. I will post my recipe and my results for anyone else who might be interested!
8 years ago
Thanks so much, Judith!
8 years ago
I'll be getting 6 Ancona ducklings in a couple of weeks and I am looking for recipes (hopefully fairly simple) that people have used to start their ducklings. Our family avoids all corn and soy, so I'd like to avoid that in their feed as well. I've read through a couple of other similar topics on here, but didn't really find this question answered. Surely there is somebody out there raising ducklings on a purely homemade diet! Any help will be greatly appreciated!
8 years ago