Mark Oreilley

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since Apr 23, 2016
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Recent posts by Mark Oreilley

Thanks again, Mike, for the great advice.

I just removed the splint and found some new growth trying to sprout up underneath my 'bandage' near the wound, in addition to the new leaves taking shape (pictured).

Regarding letting it be, I'm a little concerned that the weight of the top is pulling the healthy stem off to the side and would encourage growth that would then be crooked when I would finally cut off the top.  Are there any more compelling reasons to wait until January to trim this off?  I'm very tempted to do this right now.
6 years ago
Oops - I spoke too soon.  Yesterday, likely coinciding with the heat wave in my neck of the woods, the leaves look like they finally quit (picture attached).  I gave it a deep watering but it's still looking like the top half is going to die off.

So it looks like I may be cutting it below the wound after all.  I also attached a picture of some of the new growth.  Sorry for the blurriness, I couldn't get the phone camera to focus on it, but you can see a few new sprouts, and one down near the root ball.  

That said, If I am to be trimming this, how best do I go about encouraging it to run a new shoot upward and ultimately grow up as a reasonably straight tree?

Thanks again for everyone's advice.  This is an awesome place.  I've learned so much lurking on these forms the past few years.
6 years ago
1-week update:

The leaves appear to still be doing something and haven't shriveled up.  I also noticed a new branch shooting out below the splint, as seen in the picture, so it's clearly adjusting to the trauma.

I also noticed some ants going up and down the bark, undoubtedly for the sugary bandage I made.  I don't want to take the splint off yet until the 1-month mark, as I'm sure it can't stand alone yet.  I am worried about what the ants are doing..

I'm torn about what to do moving forward.  This tree is intended to be a cornerstone of the yard in the long haul.  Optics are important, so growing reasonably straight is on the desirable list.  If I end up cutting below the injury, is there any way to encourage any new growth to grow straight up?  Or is this all a sign that the bark will heal itself at the injury site and will be barely noticeable in 10 years?

6 years ago
I definitely can't take the splint off now because it can't support itself without it right now.  

I'll be watching it closely over the next few days.  If I see some vigorous growth below the injury, should I consider cutting it below the wound?
6 years ago
I just snapped a photo of a young eastern redbud on the other side of my property.  I noticed a week or two ago that the bark was chipped.  Looks like the same critter took a nibble!  I wonder what the heck it is.

@Michael Cox, Greg Martin:  Pruning it off was my first inclination, too, but the break is halfway up the trunk and there were no leaves below the break.  It's only been establishing itself for 2-3 months so I'm worried that it won't have enough stored nutrients to survive

@Mike Jay : Eastern PA.  I don't think I've ever seen a porcupine around these parts.

Keep in mind that the attached picture is of the redbud, not the maple:
6 years ago

Mike Jay wrote:Did any of the leaves get eaten?  If not, I'll retract the deer premise.  They usually break branches in the act of pulling leaves off of trees (especially my cherry trees).  So if you don't have any leaf damage, it probably isn't a deer.  Did the broken spot get "broken" as if it was bent until it broke?  Or was there damage at the break like a critter nibbled and weakened it?  

Unless that was a weak spot in the tree (unlikely at that age, I think) my thoughts move more towards either two legged critters (with iphones) or maybe the wind was worse than you thought.

Doesn't look like any of the leaves were eaten.  A few fell off but were otherwise untouched.  

I'd say the "two-legged critter with iPhone" theory is also unlikely, as this is in a fenced-in backyard with no easy access and much more obvious things to vandalize en-route to this tree.

It very much looked like it was nibbled on.  What critter would take a few bites like that?  
6 years ago

Miles Flansburg wrote:Mark, I am looking forward to seeing if your creative bandage works . An apple for your out of the box thinking!

Yay my first apple.  I hope this actually works.

Mike Jay wrote:If it wasn't going to make it, the splint won't have made things worse.  If it was going to make it, the splint will probably help.  So it was a win win (in a way).  

I'd still protect it from deer (or children?).  I just don't see a light storm causing that large a twig to break, especially with the bark stripping.

That's a good way to look at it.

Before I wrapped it up, it look like something nibbled the bark.  I'm not convinced it's deer, as I've never seen any in the 5+ years I've lived where I am.  Could a squirrel have done this?

Perhaps I'll see how it does until the Fall, then decide whether to re-plant a new one.  I'm guessing I'll know by then whether it's gonna make it.

More significant animal fencing is top priority now.

6 years ago
So here's what I did:  I took some brown paper and soaked it, and put a light coat of maple syrup on it before wrapping the damaged area, using this as a "bandage".  My rationale was to use this instead of tape, as wood and sugar is more closely aligned with what the stem is.  Then I supported it using three bamboo skewers as splints, which I taped together with electrical tape.  Then I went ahead and staked it from three spots.  Pictures are attached.

It seems to be sustaining some light wind so far and reasonable stable.  You'll also see some "scoliosis" from the angle at which I took the picture, where the tree started to previously correct itself and grow upward.  

Any thoughts regarding my current setup?
6 years ago
Should I try to stake it and wrap the damaged area in tape?  I can probably still prop up the leafy area this way.

I should also add that there are no deer in my neighborhood (leafy part of a city).  Mostly squirrels, rabbits, and the occasional fox.
6 years ago
Hi all,

Back in april, I planted a 2-3 foot maple cultivar (celebration, hybrid of a red and silver maple).  It was humming along and took root nicely, growing about 7 inches rather rapidly.  Last night was a rainy night but not particularly windy.  To my sadness I woke up this morning and found that it has nearly snapped in half!  See the pictures attached.  Some of the bark stripped along with it as well.

I never staked it, subscribing to the philosophy that the young sapling that sustains winds will develop a stronger bark and root system.  It's planted in an area of the yard that doesn't really succumb to high winds either.  

Is there any way I can save this poor thing?  Do I cut where it's already nearly snapped and hope it'll sprout new growth?  Or do I try to stake it and hold it up, hoping for the best?

I'm so disappointed by this.  It was doing so well.  

6 years ago