Jude Devine

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since Apr 29, 2022
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Lovely thread!  I'm 51, female, living and loving it in the west of Ireland in my old cottage and 1 acre permie site.  Not as physically capable as I used to be.  Been single for 4 years now and it would be wonderful to meet the right person to share my dreams and grow old with, but perhaps unlikely to happen now.  So its lovely to see others' posts and feel a connection with you all out there.  I usually host wwoofers here in the summer, which helps with the physical stuff and bring wonderful shared experiences and good company.  Would love to make more connections with those in a similar boat, wherever you are in the world
This is my place: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN1EHAIZ6nXLnyuuhIKtroSgxZndDL6XIC84-G5SvVPeb5LXYYo5VOcM-CvlW4itQ?key=UE00aVVuXzZJVmxDR3N2dHNUZnZseEtPblltbXFn
2 years ago
Hi Paul.  Well done for putting that out there.  I'm in west Clare doing my pottering permie thing much like yourself
2 years ago