Rhonda Crank

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since Sep 21, 2016
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Recent posts by Rhonda Crank

Hey y’all, I wanted to share with you the Kindle Version of my book “Apple Cider Vinegar On The Homestead: The Ultimate Guide For A Happy Healthy Homestead” is going to be free today through Wednesday. I’m including a link for you in case you want to check it out. https://goo.gl/VyEIMD
8 years ago
Hey there, I feel ya. I do a combo of sitting in an office chair at a table (used as a desk). I chose a chair which allows me to lean back and even rock. I got it on Amazon for $86 and I also use a folding laptop table stand. I put it on the table (the one I use as a desk) and stand to work. I really do find standing to work relieves much of the pains I get from sitting too long. I alternate every few hours and it has helped a lot!  Good luck and Congrats on being able to sit alone! LOL
8 years ago
I too like growing beans. We usually have 5 different varieties in the garden. If I get two seasons worth of a bean dehydrated and put up I like to add a new variety in their place in the garden. The last one I added was the Cherokee Trail of Tears, I have to say I love it. The plants are stocky and full, the bean pods are beautiful and the beans themselves are gorgeous and flavorful. So glad we added these. I want to try Cannellini beans next because we like the thick broth they make. Our gardens are all about preserving rare and heritage breeds of all veggies we plant. Have a great day!
8 years ago
Oh my I hate to know you're having to deal with this. I did a little research and couldn't find anything about DE killing parasites outside the body. We are lifetime farmsteaders or homesteader if you prefer and have used DE for many years for fllies, mites, fleas, ants, and internal worming. In the garden, it has helped us with slugs as much as bowls of beer. When we fail to replace the DE after a heavy dew or rain we see some, but as soon as we put it out again it starts cutting them out. Good luck. If I run across any other info, I'll be sure to share it with you.
8 years ago
Hi, Our garden is rather large so we let them in by sections. If I have a winter crop planted I simply don't put them in that area. We use the deep mulch garden method and have seen improvement in soil fertility and major reduction in insects like potato beetles and squash bugs. They do get some worms I'm sure, but the worm population is deep because of the years of mulch and chicken/pig cleanup we've done.
8 years ago
Hi, I'm new to the forum but not to chicken keeping. I learned from my grandmother and have had my own flocks for over 35 years. I guess that makes  me "mature" LOL  I feed my flock very little because I'm fortunate to be able to free range most all the time. They receive non-gmo feed as a treat to come in to the yard in the evening and during the winter. I only have to use a little feed because besides free ranging they receive garden and kitchen scraps. So, that's what I feed my chickens. Thanks
8 years ago