Alfred Scheib

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since Jul 22, 2016
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I know pawpaw trees, but I found 2 in a new place yesterday that are so VERY similar to pawpaw trees. One is the usual max. 6" dia., but the other is about 10" dia., larger than I've ever seen, including the old large grove in Pennypack Park. No fruits & no little ones below, but the large properly shaped leaves & bark are right.
I googled & found no satisfaction. Help?
8 years ago
After hearing the pawpaw song since I was a child in Central PA, I finally saw my first pawpaw tree in the woods near my house at Millersville PA in 1990. The oldest pawpaw Grove in the philadelphia area that I know of is an acre in Pennypack Park, with a history of no fruits ever been found on any of the trees. See book Pawpaw, 2015, by Andrew Moore. I have several pawpaw trees started from seed purchased from Hilltop Acres (see their website) in my veggie garden nursery. I'm hoping to plant them in the woods near me and in several parks nearby.
8 years ago