bush jerry

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since Aug 01, 2016
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Matthew Nistico wrote:

Thekla McDaniels wrote:A locally owned nursery has a highly fragrant thornless variety of our local wild rose.  They found it hiking, took a cutting, propagate it.  I just found it this summer and brought one home.  (pricey in a 5 gallon pot!)   It has taken root, and settled in well.  Several new stems from under ground.  I have no idea what the hips will be like, or how much it will spread ( I hope it will spread to the goats' side of the fence).  Will have to wait til this time next year to know.

Certainly if it does thousands of wonderful things, I'll let you all know, and encourage the owners of the nursery to propagate the plug size for the mail to  permies business.  They also propagate silver buffalo berry from wild gathered seeds, and many other fine native to this area or xeric plants.

I was going to say they do not have a website, but look how wrong I am!  http://chelseanursery.com/

great people, but I don't know if they ship.


A thornless wild rose?  If indeed it demonstrates good qualities, they may have stumbled onto a real gem there.  They should name it and start propagating, if that ends up the case - they may have a money-maker on their hands.

8 years ago