kyle mende

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since Aug 08, 2016
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Recent posts by kyle mende

I'm definitely doing braces, can't have that thing falling over now. I wasn't planning on squirrel protection, as that would be a LOT of wiring. But also, I grow enough for myself, then can have some. I have rabbits, deer, squirrels, and tonight found a racoon eating in my grape vine. I can afford to give some back to nature. Besides, how else am I going to get the wildlife close enough for my arrows? LOL
4 years ago
For the metals, I was going to go with corrugated corten roofing. So It'll form a nice rusty patina naturally.

Technically yes this isn't FULL hugelkulture since it's not an earthen bed with sod and ground cover, etc. I'm trying to merge the self-feeding principles of it with a neater modern raised bed. I don't plan on using sod either as I don't want grass growing in it. I was going to cover the twigs and wood chips with chicken manure/shavings that I have. That should be plenty of nitrogen for the wood to use for decomposition.

at only 3 feet wide I won't have difficulty reaching the back. As for trellis, the wire fence is right there, so that's my trellis!

I'm technically in unincorporated king county between renton and maple valley. I just put seattle as a general geographical idea for people who might have weather related commentary for this.

I'll read up on this Ruth Stout stuff.
4 years ago
I'm wanting to gauge everyone's know-how here and see if this is feasible. I'm wanting to build a veggie garden at the house I had previously done six 4x8 beds at my last house and that was plenty. I've read up on and love the idea of hügelkultur. At this house I have several areas I could do a walk in garden with raised beds. But then I thought...what if I just make one really long bed? I have a fence I just put up (split rail style with wire fencing behind so we can see into the woodlot behind us) and this particular section would be probably 75-100 feet. I'd make it 3 feet wide, 3 feet tall (for the hügelkultur plus no bending). The walls I was thinking corrugated roofing or the metal floor decking stuff, and whenever panels overlap there will be a cedar piece going in to the ground, maybe even link up with a cross piece to the other side for stability. I can still do crop rotations as I'd still segregate the particular crops in their respective spaces. One thing I thought of was one long row of corn along the back as well for decor and adding a foliage look to the fence.

think this is feasible? The only perennials will be things like kale, chard, rhubarb, potatoes, etc. the things that don't die off in Zone 8 where I am (Seattle).

Side note: I even thought about entrenching plastic totes with holes in them for in-ground compost bins spaced out every 20 feet or so. Toss kitchen scraps and brown matter in there year round to consistently feed the soil, but wasn't sure if that's even needed for the hugelkulture bit. Maybe it'll help for the first few years as the wood breaks down? And I know that fresh wood is best, but we have a large pile of who knows how old wood already split for firewood and we don't have wood burning appliances, so I'm tempted to throw those in there. I have time to plan, this won't be until next spring.
4 years ago
Sweet oven build link. My main curiosity for this was since the Weber was there half the jobs done. I already have a big smoker grill that uses pellets that I use for smoking and grilling a lot. The goal for this rocket Weber is not only for pizza but since rocket stoves heat up fast it could be a quick grill for firing up a few skewers. I'd probably need some form of heat diffuser for the grill though. Or maybe just directly fire a cast iron griddle for that as well. I see a variety of pipes used for these builds. From steel square tubing to flimsy stovepipe. I assume insulation doesnt matter since it just directs heat up. I can probably find steel pipes or square tube easily
5 years ago
I've had a pizza oven on my mind for years. First was traditional wood burning brick, then it morphed into perlite cement mix, then cob, and now into RMH. But then I saw a product that allows for a Weber Kettle to be used for a pizza oven (Kettlepizza). The house I bought has a Weber left over. I can use that for the top of the oven build, and use that kettlepizza ring for the "oven transformation". Could I somehow attach metal pipe to the bottom of the weber to make it a rocket stove? Would it even generate enough heat? My first concerns are the lack of a flat bottom for the weber. This could be remedied by welding a circular plate on the bottom to make a flat floor, then go through that. My initial thoughts would be:

1. will this thing get hot enough from burning sticks and maybe a few briquettes for the purpose of longer burning.
2. Is the weber grill thickness going to be enough to stand it (I mean it handles charcoal so I don't know).
3. Is this awesome or am I crazy?
5 years ago
Solar, could work based on location, but will it have enough oomph? I don't even know how much water pressure will come out without a pump. However one raised flower bed is about 15 feet away and is maybe 20x15. I was going to put sprayers on that one. The other is going to be one long raised vegetable bed 18 inches x 100 feet or so so there's just one irrigation line. Then on the fence (where the bed is anchored to) I was going to put rain gutters there for strawberries and lettuce and other small rooted plants with one line per gutter. If i didn't need one then great, but I guess I'll have to see if it needs to be done first. I just don't want my irrigation timer/valve device to switch on and not have enough to matter.

I've seen the relay thing online too, but I'm terrible imagining these things. If I saw a wiring diagram I could put it together.
5 years ago
I'm wanting to put in an IBC tote for supplying my raised flower bed and future vegetable bed rows. Curious how I could wire in a pump to turn on with the sprinkler multi-zone timer I intend to hook up to it.
5 years ago
I am planning to make a pizza oven fueled by a pellet rocket stove.  I've seen great things online about plans for rocket stoves and modifying it for more air, more temp, etc. What I can't find is a formula or rule of thumb for getting X temperature at the output from X amount of either pellets or air.

I want to make my rocket stove terminate in the back of a dome which will be the pizza oven, then the front opening will have a flute for exhaust. I don't know if this is a worthy attempt because of these unknowns. I want 900F oven temperature. I had concerns over regulating temps and if it'll even get that hot.
8 years ago