I don't know very much about bee keeping yet, really very little, admittedly. I've been watching Max's channel for about 5 years now and this man is incredibly thoughtful and meticulous in every endeavor which he undertakes. He is an attorney by trade I believe. He is not a jack of all trades and master of none.... he is more the opposite... he stives where possible to be master of many and jack of very few. This video is not meant to be a tutorial on his very inginuitive method of bee keeping, but rather a simple introduction to his 3+ years of developing this method. He actually acknowledges in the video that his method is simply a re-take on a method inspired by a very old Tanzanian method he observed which also happens to be in a form that generally dates back thousands of years (per his understanding). He states that at a future date, he intends to publish a more vigorous review and instruction of his method and fundamentals associated w/ it.
You can easily see in his character, thoughtfulness, and the apparent depth of knowledge (I cannot judge this though w/ my lack), that his intent is not anything aspiring toward a commercial venture, etc. (like that of the "anyone in the world can keep bees....."
flow-hive)... but rather, what is the simplest way to inspire mass bee husbandry across the world, in an open-source method, while mitigating as much of the operational and functional pitfalls (well known to bee keepers) and legal ramifications related to bee keeping.
I would encourage everyone reading this thread to check out his youtube channel
https://www.youtube.com/c/Advoko/videos. It will be an absolute inspiration to any homesteader in terms of the incredible creativity, self-sufficiency, and expertise that he strives towards in his homesteading endeavors. If I could pick my neighbors, he would be one of them.