Hey everyone! Sorry for such a large time without an update but I'm back!
Everything has been doing much better this year even with record high temperatures and wind! My biggest enemies this year were the rabbits! Many of the moringa grew about 8ft tall only to be chopped down to ground level by rabbits! Luckily the moringa is able to recover from such a harsh chop! They even attacked palo verde trees, mesquite, oaks, even my peach tree! I've begun putting up chicken wire around my plants and was getting good success as long as it's not a sapling. Kangaroo mice have been digging under the chicken wire and getting young plants or moringa shoots off a recovering rabbit attacked plant. Due to the kangaroo mice I've decided to establish most long term trees such as oaks etc in pots and fast growing trees down straight in the ground with a two litter bottle as added precaution.