Joel Rutledge

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since Dec 08, 2016
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Recent posts by Joel Rutledge

That might be what we end up doing....
Seems like great references!  I'll look it over tonight! Thanks!
I have looked at one plug composter, but at $60k, I'm pretty sure that's not an affordable option... although it is what I would prefer...

I'll look into digesters, etc. Thanks!
Hey, thank you so much! I'll have a look!
Great ideas, guys. However, I'm facing two big issues; each horse generates over 50# a day of manure, and there are 14 horses inside. (Some outside, too, but I'll deal with that later.)  Second, there's a waterway, so we can't spread manure on fields or leave it piled without runoff containment.  Not legally.

The totes idea is something I was hoping could be used to make a compost accelerator, because one tote would be filled each. Week. Not a good longterm solution, either.

I found a company that makes huge composting tanks, like a long cement mixer.  But I don't have $60,000 for one of those.  

But keep the ideas coming folks; there's got to be a good solution!  Thanks!
First let me say I know that large scale (well, ANYTHING) is usually not what permies represent.  But sometimes,  larger barns exist (these training programs aren't self supporting on small scale) & I want to do the best for the environment in even large scale ventures....  And who better to turn to for a composting solution, than permies?  

My daughter in law (DIL) trains hunter-jumpers. I am remodeling a horse barn & property for her to move her program into.  But she'll have 15 (and later, more) large horses (14 to 17 hands), & needs to dispose of manure.  We'd like to compost it to restore the pastures with, then later on, maybe sell some to help support the expense of horses.

We can't just spread on the fields, because a waterway & floodplain cut through the property. It has to be contained, and either composted or hauled away.  Any ideas on large-scale composting without flies & odors (like many open-pile composting attempts seem to have)?

I'm wondering if IBC water totes could be used to make an easy to turn system...   Any other ideas ot help, permie people?
Awesome! Thank you for figuring that out for me.  Can anyone tell me how THICK I should make the concrete mass that I'll be pouring around the drums for the bench?  (Since I'm urban I'm using concrete instead of cob).   I was guessing that at the closest points to the drum, I'd probably want it between 1 to 2 inches thick for structural stability? That makes it considerably thicker at the corners...  Is that too much mass, or too little?  Thanks!
7 years ago
Here"s a view kind of down on the newly modified/opened up manifold.  It is now 4-1/2" across for most of the 12" length.  Kind of a flattened D shaped opening...  I'm hoping that will have sufficient flow for a 6" system?  

So, what would be the CSA of a 4-1/4" x 7" rectangular pipe? Anyone?  The manifold should flow a bit better than that, I would think...

I'm also going to add some concrete to the floor of the first barrel, to smooth the flow of air into the manifold...
7 years ago
Would it matter if the 6" inlet at A is actually at the bottom of the bell barrel instead of at top?that's where it exits the existing core and manifold, and It seems like it is the exit to the chimney flue being low, that would matter most?
7 years ago
Thank you, Satamax !   I'm heading outside with a hammer and snips to fix the manifold, then build up the new mass bed!  Thanks!
7 years ago