Overwhelmed? I can relate.
75 acres purchased and we’re just getting started.
But really, what are you in particular overwhelmed about? Work to do? Things to accomplish? Making money?
Really, I’m not expert in all of this however, whenever I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. But here is a little Jedi-Mind trick I learned.
“Ain’t nothing going to happen with you standing there!”
What does your end state look like? If you close your eyes to imagine something about what you picture what do you see?
Now, how does permaculture play into that picture? For my farm, I can close my eyes and imagine what it will look like when I’m an old man. Then I think about the successional pattern that nature will follow in order for me to get to that image. Brambles, grass, early trees, later trees, etc.
Maybe not the way for you, but it works for me.
Locabuck Farm