Leslie Jacobs

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since Mar 12, 2017
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I agree with most that just add butter or bacon grease or even coconut oil 1 for 1…I personally have been HAPPY..to find out that FIBER..WHOLE WHEAT, BRAN.  Is not necessary in the diet.. following a lot of Ketocarivore..people including ..Drs, Chaffee, Berry, and Saladino..all MD’s.. that got wise to the corporate marketing..ploys..eggs are bad, butter is bad, fiber ( 30 grams) is necessary. Fiber in wheat ( the bran) is where the concentration of Phytates, lectins( Dr Grundy) and Oxylates ( Sally K, Norton) are. So good news to me, organic white wheat flour, pasture eggs, butter, organic cane  sugar (not GMO.. as Beet sugar is)..and non aluminum Baking power, Redman, Real salt..for the occasional win.
9 months ago
Thanks you for your response..I agree..everything influences our health, along with avoiding man made toxins..I have been researching plant toxins.. lectins, Oxylates ..and have been HAPPY to listen to new advice and experiences including my own body telling me..it does not agree with stove top legumes..( pressure cooker fix’s that)( pain, gas) does not like green peppers,, ( again digestion). Does not like heavy  dark chocolate ( gasp) pain In unmentionables…needs more raw dairy and white rice. No pain, digestive issues. This has caused me to rethink my garden choices. And I like changing so no problem.. so..a keep learning. Unfortunately most people don’t want to admit or entertain new ideas.. but here usually better. Lander Wyoming
2 years ago