So I came across a very cheap prefabricated steel garage for sale that I am looking at using on a property I am developing in Northern Arizona. Originally, I was opposed to using a steel building because of concerns about airflow, condensation, insulation, and embedded energy. But because of some of the regulations about livable structure requirements, price, and my current living situation - it became an attractive opportunity for me to get the steel structure to have a place to stage resources in while I build a cob/strawbale house hybrid. I am thinking about living in this 24c25x13 ft steel garage (shaped like a half-pipe with one end plugged) while I get all of the legal and permitting done for building my house. I was thinking of plugging the open end with a strawbale wall and plastering over it to allow some privacy, protection from elements, and some airflow. Any other ideas to improve living conditions for this steel garage without resorting to even more industrial solutions? Anyone have good/bad experiences with steel buildings? Here is a picture of a similar building for reference
I will not have the garage door or wall , just a big semicircular hole.
Thanks for the help!