Ken Hedgewood

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since Jul 28, 2017
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Recent posts by Ken Hedgewood

I experimented with the goo scraped from a comfrey leaf stem. Could not find the plantain when I needed it. Had good results last two attacks (after scraping the stinger as described above)       Realized I looked hideous with the goo on my forehead. Grand daughters horrified look was priceless when he saw me.
2 years ago
RR   I found this for your consideration: attached
and strongly vote for PB blaster to loosen the frozen parts. The only problem I had was to dispense small amounts through the straw. Let it work overnight.
Blessings on your project.
3 years ago
Country Living for us.     Suggest Laurels Kitchen bread a guide text......... great to learn the variables, adjustments, ie, humidity, elevation,    chewy , grainy, too coarse, too fine etc. and science of breadmaking best among the dozens of book available
3 years ago
Raven, I found volume one at      they had offerings from two sellers, both under 80.00    no current availability for the set, or for volume two.....
this app searches all major sellers
3 years ago
If I received that amazing plan as a gift I'd be immediately overwhelmed with the immensity of the task. (as is seems you are)   I'd need some small specific tasks in a list to get started. Some things that I could look back at and be encouraged. Visual Evidence that I have accomplished something. Some bricks in the wall that are permanent, dont have to be changed or moved, or even cleaned. Then a few more.   Maybe I've realized I'm not the best coach for me.  
3 years ago
Kevin, sorry for the late reply, life has happened.  The hazels were 12" bare root two years ago. they were potted then in 2 gallon pots. will see how they break dormancy soon and measure the height and caliper at that time.They have been in a shady area which has limited the growth, these are expected to reach 12-15' when planted out.
4 years ago
Hi all.    I am struggling with the grand experiment.    It seems that so much of herbal medicine is guess work, and a continuous experiment with limited continuity of success. It works often only because I believe it works.       Then I find something that seems to be effective, then the herbal source is only  10 %   as concentrated as the previous stuff, and therefore not effective.     A recent experience with Habanero peppers may best explain some of the variability of products.   Seed from one pepper, planted in two gardens in the same general location.   Garden A produced peppers with such heat as to burn your face off, tears in the eyes, burning lips and nostrils, with a small nibble.  Garden B   the peppers could be picked off the plant and eaten whole ,almost as mild as a bell pepper.   If the heat, or capsaicin is the "medicine"  I certainly want the Garden A peppers.  If I have tried the B peppers two or three times, I deem it a failure.  If I listen to the claims of sellers, of course they are all effective.  So, how long do I continue to test drive the claims of others?, and for how many different ailments, pain, inflammation, colds, runny nose, itchiness etc. etc.   Then , how do I measure the quality of product when none has been tested.   So I get four different herbal medicines rom a trusted friend.  but it was ineffective because I has no colds last year and the medicine was too old by the time I needed it.   And I'm not interested in this being my life's work, consuming all my time and resources to find out the correct formula.    The thing is, I really would like to have a few trusted effective remedies on the shelf.  ,  without the myriad excuses of why it didn't work.......OK   my whining is complete for now,  thanks for the ear    k  
5 years ago
Rick, I'm in Hickory,   Can trade rose of Sharon and Johns elderberry cuttings, elderberry rooted cuttings, elderberry in 1 gallon pots, Aloe, Hazelnut, Comfrey  #4  and #14.    may have one gogi berry
Id be interested in two starts of each fig....Thanks..  Ken
5 years ago