C. Elaine Cumberland

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since May 06, 2017
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Hey Y'all:

I am currently enrolled in this course through Holistic Management International:


I need a property to design but do not have one of my own that I am living on. I am currently a city dweller living in a 3/4 acre plot and without a car. So I need a property to practice what I am learning on to have a finished plan to get my certificate for the class.

Where do you come in?

If you have land or are working on some that you wouldn't mind someone else doing some simple planning with I would love to chat. This isn't some scheme to get people's identities I just need information and a Google image of a property for the time being and I imagine some follow up information from there that I am sure is going to be pretty simple.

So if anyone is interested please let me know in this thread. If it works for both of us I'll gladly hand you off any plans that I finish the class with for free.

7 years ago