Companion Planting Guide by World Permaculture Association
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E. Diane Langley

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since May 29, 2017
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Recent posts by E. Diane Langley

 Hi there, my significant other and i are interested in your offer.. I do intend to read through again, i just know that i am in need of making a change in my life... Born and raised here in east Tn. about 20 mins. from Knoxville, i am living in Oak Ridge at this time... We rent a room from an older couple and have been here for for a year and half.. After becoming homeless for a little over a yr. I have became very depressed after the death of my oldest brother that i was very close to.. Than a few months later losing my other two brothers to being institutionalized.. Than like that wasn't enough, losing contact with the rest of my family... Still at times i find myself thinking of the snowball effect that my brothers death had on our family i still find myself having to make time to get off to myself to allow myself to cry... This event was a tragedy to not just me but my entire family... I am in my late 40's and i guess you might say i am looking for a place that i will fit in.... I tend to spend to much time in my room alone or isolate myself, and i know this is not good... Still i find it easier than being rejected, turned away or shunned by others.. I want to find a new area that perhaps i may be able to start over.. I don't want much, a roof over my head, food, a tiny place is perfect for me.. I am used to getting by on very little and making due with what i have... I would enjoy the freedom of being able to pitch in to help others.. I want the freedom to be able to out in my yard or field close by and build or construct a shed or perhaps just a small building to keep other projects or shelter.. I hope to hear back, if not i wish you all the very best and may you be blessed in your plans...

                                                ( Diane )
7 years ago
 Hi, me again.. I didn't mention that i am part of a couple... I have a sgnificant other that is a full time student working towards their bachelor's degree in healthcare management..
7 years ago
 I am interested in more information... I am at this very time looking for a chance and a change.. I am in my late 40's and looking to move.. I am in a relationship so i have a significant other. My partner is a student full time however it is online, so that would not be a problem there...
7 years ago
 Hi y'all, i am new to the site..
   I live in Tennessee and am very interested in something like this... I would love an opportunity such as this, or somthing very similar... I do not have much money at all but i do have an income.. I struggle somewhat
 however i am grateful to have a roof over my head.. I rent a room from an older couple, i am seeking housing at this point. I have been here for a year and 6 months.. It has been tough just simply because of
 the fact i wanted to be helpful and also kind when i first moved in, well after a couple of months or perhaps about 3 months after i moved in i had to explain to the man of the house that i wasn't paying them rent
 to work for them... I just felt that i was being taken advantage of.. Both my room-mate and myself found ourselves cooking, and cleaning along with many other chores such as painting, layingn tile, yep! Believe
 it.. The man of the house had almost suckered me in to laying tile in a bathroom that is next to the room i rent til this very day, but didn't workout that way.. I simply had to inform him if i lay that tile after you paid
 someone to redo your bathroom, you're going to have to pay me or deduct it from my rent... Needless to say he ended up laying that tile and it looks horrible.. I could had done a better job..

   I am interrested in finding something along the lines of a co-housing community, and i am interested in tiny homes and the homes that Paul Wheaton talk about.. I am a simple person, i love coming up with new
 ideas on doing things.. I really like learning new things and i pick up on things pretty quickly when shown... I am in my late 40's.. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, i have had to struggle for most of
 my life.. I know hard times, so i would love a chance to become a member of a small community where we all are a part of.. I just have never felt like i belong in a world where i am to keep up with the " Jone's."

                                          Thanks for reading, wishing you all a good day and may God bless you..
                                                                  ( Diane )
7 years ago